Causes Of Acid Reflux
Acid reflux can be caused due to several reasons. Some of them are as follows:
Improper food
Fatty food items or food rich in citric acid can cause acid reflux or heartburn. The stomach needs to produce excess hydrochloric acid for digesting such food items properly. This can cause the acid to travel up the esophagus and cause a burning sensation and discomfort.
This is also one of the causes of heartburn or acid reflux. If you are unable to manage your weight and are constantly facing the symptoms of heartburn, you may visit a gastroenterologist in Jaipur for treatment.
Many reports have shown that excessive smoking can also increase the occurrence of acid reflux or heartburn as tobacco is responsible for creating an imbalance in the digestive system.
Due to pregnancy, many women face the problem of acid reflux. This is because there is a change in the level of hormones in the body which affects the digestion process. This may cause the stomach acid to travel back up in the esophagus causing acid reflux.
Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux. The burning sensation you feel in your esophagus when the acid runs back up to the tract is known as heartburn. Sometimes, heartburn can cause huge discomfort in your chest, especially when you lie down or bend over. However, if the condition is a frequent occurrence, then you may need to book a doctor's appointment as soon as possible.
Acid Reflux Risk Factors
The risk factors for acid reflux are the same as their causes. However, some food items known to cause heartburn or acid reflux are caffeine, alcohol, tomatoes, onion, garlic, tomato sauces, fatty foods, and spicy foods. Also lying down right after having a large mean can be a risk factor for acid reflux. Therefore, it is always advised to take a brisk walk before you lie down after your meals. Pregnancy can also be one of the major risk factors for acid reflux.
If you are facing the above-mentioned symptoms, then seek help from a gastroenterologist in Jaipur or near you immediately. Book a doctor's appointment as soon as possible for quick consultation and treatment. Since acid reflux can be a huge health problem in the long run, it is better to get it treated in its initial stages.
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