During cardiogenic shock, the heart is not able to pump enough blood to the vital organs of the body. Since the cells do not get the required oxygen, they fail to function and die resulting in organ failure. Although it could be fatal, it could also be treated if diagnosed right away. The cardiologist in Hyderabad runs a proper diagnosis and takes the necessary steps.
Stages Of A Cardiogenic Shock
There are distinct stages of cardiogenic shock that range from being at risk and being severe. They are as follows:
At Risk ( A ): The patient is at risk of developing a cardiogenic shock. There might be a heart disease without any signs of shock.
Beginner ( B ): A patient that has clinical evidence such as low blood pressure or heart rate.
Classic ( C ): A patient with hypoperfusion that requires the intervention of medicines or devices to help pump blood to organs.
Deteriorating ( D ): At this stage the patient does not respond to the medicines and devices, which worsens the condition.
Extremis ( E ): A patient suffers from a cardiovascular collapse. CPR, ventilator, and defibrillator are required.
The patient needs to book a doctor appointment and get treated immediately.
Causes Of A Cardiogenic Shock
As mentioned earlier, the most common cause of cardiogenic shock is a heart attack. A severe heart attack can tremendously affect the main pumping chamber as the flow of blood through the arteries is restricted or blocked resulting in the lack of oxygen-rich blood, which eventually leads to a cardiogenic shock.
Apart from a heart attack, the following causes can lead to a cardiogenic shock:
A buildup of fluid around the heart.
An abnormal heart rhythm.
Damaged heart muscles due to a heart attack.
Heart failure
Damage to the septum
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The most vital part of the treatment is providing oxygen for the proper flow of blood to the organs. For this, the doctor might prescribe medication or in severe cases insert a catheter into the arteries to remove the blockage. If the patient has several blocked coronary arteries then a coronary artery bypass graft or open heart surgery will be performed to supply blood to the heart.
Cardiogenic Arrest is a common cause of mortality. The patient must book a doctor appointment. For diagnosis and treatment, the best cardiologist in Hyderabad or any other city needs to be consulted.
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